CRA Inquiry and Audit Support Services


Prepare for CRA Audits

When the Canada Revenue Agency notifies you of their upcoming inquiry, there will be a request for specific information and a deadline to respond. F Silveira has the expertise necessary to find and collect the necessary financial documentation before the deadline expires. Our thorough review process allows us to identify any areas of concern that might be of note to the CRA. This allows you to correct those issues and reduces the risk of penalty by the CRA.

Our ability to streamline and shorten the document collection and review process allows your company to focus on other issues, allowing you to put time and effort into other exploits. Our comprehensive process also ensures that every document required is on hand and available when the CRA audit begins.

Accounting Women At Desk Using Calculator For Small Business Accounting


Our team can perform a thorough analysis of your business and offer creative financial advice.


We can systematically record, analyze, and interpret the financial information of your business to your critical advantage.


We’ll listen to your goals, aspirations, and dreams and develop a financial plan that strategizes your path to achieving them.


Making the Inquiry and Audit
As Smooth As Possible

A part of F Silveira’s CRA audit services in Toronto and the surrounding communities are the assistance we provide organizations through the entire process. If you are uncomfortable going through the audit, F Silveira can represent your interests and negotiate with the CRA on your behalf.  This also includes reviewing the CRA assessment and submitting appeals on your behalf for any discrepancies or errors that might have been made during the inquiry and audit.

Business Advisory Services


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